Here's how to read the table:
Any measure in green is considered bullish with the sector exceeding the S&P 500 Index benchmark (last line in table). For example, if the index outperformed the SPX on any 1-month to 1-year % return measure, it was considered bullish.
Any measure in red is considered bearish with the sector falling short of the S&P 500 Index benchmark (again last line in table).
The Fidelity Share Percentile is green when the Percentile is less than 60% and red if the percentile is higher than 90%
Noteworthy Observations:
(1) Retail has been strong technically (outperforming SPX 3-month to 1-year), has a fairly low buy percentage (37.84%), low Fidelity share percentile rank (43.20%), pessimism on the SOIR front and a Fundamental/Earnings Momentum factor that is better than the SPX average (2.7 vs.2.88)
(2) Healthcare has been underperforming the SPX over various percentage return measures. In spite of this weakness, over half the ratings are buys for the sector. Furthermore, Fidelity Percentile stands at 97%. Fundamentally, Zacks averages out to be 3.17.
(3) Utilities looks good with the exception of Fidelity share rank (92%)
(4) Automotive looks good with the exception of Zacks average (3.09)